Game run of play
Briefly explain the objective of the game and the rules.
Divide participants into teams of 6-8 people.
We nominate a cubedScrum boxMaster fromfor A4each paperteam.
Scrum Master keeps time and helps remove any obstacles. Gets a print out of the timboxes.
Product Owner is one of us for each team, may be?
Team Members work on building the ProductBox according to the plan - detailed instructions provided in a technical approach description. May be one of us is a TA and they pull on it ?
Teams assign visible roles within 45their Scrum Master, Product Owner (us), and Developers.
Timebox 1 Planning
(5 minutes)
Teams QRhave code5 minutes to 5plan mintheir videofirst sprint, deciding what they can accomplish and how. They pull stories into Timebox backlog - may be we provide Scrum boards pre-made on their flip charts and attach stories to the product backlog too…
They need to build a scrum board on easel flip charts provided
Making Timebox 1
(10 minutes)
Teams have 10 minutes to execute their first sprint.
Scrum Master keeps time and helps remove any obstacles.
Team Members work on building athe cubedProductBox boxaccording to the provided technical plan.
Timebox 1 Review and Retrospective
(5 minutes)
Teams present their progress. All of us perhaps in one spot and each team brings their increment/deliverable to the table - Printedquick eventreviews with- timebox30-45 durationssecs/team.
Teams go back and discuss what went well and what could be improved.
Product Owner (one of us lot) provides feedback.
Making Timebox 2
(10 minutes)
Teams have another 10 minutes to improve upon or complete their box based on the feedback and retrospective.
Scrum Master and Product Owner continue in their roles as before.
Final Timebox Review
(5 minutes)
Teams present their final product.
Discuss what went well and what could be improved for future sprints.
No Retrospective
Closing and Winner Announcement
(5 minutes)
A panel of judges or all participants vote on which team's box best meets the requirements.
Announce the winning team and hand out small prizes if available or donate to charity of the team’s choice.
No team can start building before the sprint planning is complete.
Teams can only use the materials provided.
The box must meet all the requirements set forth at the beginning of the game.We might even provide an exemplar box!
Winning criteria
Number of ProductBoxes completed that meet the Acceptance Criteria and DoD
Aesthetics of box or boxes made
Definition of Done for the Scrum MasterProductBox