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Visioning (cont)

What is it

Visioning involves imagining and describing the desired state or outcome in vivid detail, providing a sense of direction and purpose.

Visioning is a powerful tool for setting goals, aligning efforts, and inspiring people to work together towards a shared aspiration, or North Star.

The outcome of this practice is a concise description known as a vision statement.

🔑 Key Benefits / Why is this important

It is difficult and challenging for most people to quickly grasp the concept and the objective without involving them in an explanatory dialogue. A vision statement acts as a North Star, for anyone involved in the Ideation phase and beyond as to what the future should look like when the idea is successfully realised.

This North Star acts as a focal point of a common goal the team can believe in and align their work to.

🛠 Techniques supporting this practice

Product Vision Board (template)