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Amazon PR release

❓What is it

  • A future visioning technique to articulate the benefits of the idea at the point of it being launched. It employs a PR release format, similar in content and tone as as would be used for launching the idea as a real world service/product.


  • This can be completed as an individual activity by the owner of the idea or as a collaborative exercise with colleagues knowledgeable in the idea space.

🛠 Running the technique

  • A prerequisite of running a successful workshop is clear framing of the opportunity. This may be in the form of one or more of the following:
    • Draft vision statement, a PR release, secondary market or technology research extracts, industry case studies, high level opportunity statement (How might we…)
  • Plan the workshop - agenda, participants, pre reading material, outcomes, format
  • On the day, prepare the virtual or physical space to encourage participants to immerse themselves in the opportunity area
  • It is always recommended to start the workshop with an ice breaker, followed by a fun creative exercise. An example of this is playing an alternative use game with a household item
  • Use some of the prepared materials such as vision statement or PR release to trigger the main ideas creation activity, encouraging non judgemental divergent thinking to generate a broad range of ideas. If the flow of ideas is low, try a What If technique to re-energise the room
  • Use the next activity to work as a team to theme some of these ideas. Capture all the ideas, with top level themes into an ideas backlog for future reflection and refinement.