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NPS/ CSAT metric
❓What is it
- NPS and CSAT are the two primary industry wide measures to gauge end users overall satisfaction with a service and associated organisation.
- NPS stands for Net Promoter Score, and It measures user perception based on one simple question: ‘How likely is it that you would recommend the service / product to a friend or colleague?’ Responses fall into 3 categories, Promoters, Passives and Detractors.
- CSAT stands for Customer Satisfaction Score. While NPS provides a broader view of user perception of the organisation, CSAT provides a measure of short term user satisfaction with a specific interaction, product or service. CSAT is typically focused on more transactional and specific touchpoints.
- A combination of these two metrics provides invaluable near term and trending insight on user satisfaction.
- Product Manager or Data Analyst
🛠 Running the technique
- For both NPS and CSAT, design the survey, question for the survey and distribution channel to reach the relevant section of users.
- For NPS the question is standard, "On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend [Organisation/Product/Service] to a friend or colleague?" One additional open question can be added to the survey to allow users to volunteer any additional comments..
- For CSAT, the response to a typical question, “How satisfied were you with your experience//service today” and a Likert scale is used to capture the response. CSAT surveys typically focus on sourcing feedback on improvements, new features or services to quickly validate that the proposed solution fully meets the needs of the users..
- Apply the standard formulae for both NPS and CSAT to derive the relevant scores.
📖Authoritative source