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Empathy Mapping

❓What is it

  • A collaborative technique used by user research to build a broader understanding of user needs, desires, and challenges.
  • Empathy maps are particularly useful during the discovery phase of product or service design and are a key component of human-centred design.


  • Empathy mapping is primarily employed by user research and service design capability, with support from other key stakeholders and team members

🛠 Running the technique

  • Agree the user group you are mapping and the goal for the exercise - cross reference the value proposition framework

  • Gather insights from direct user interviews, observations, surveys, or any other form of user feedback
  • Collaborate with a broad spectrum of colleagues who have knowledge of the service and user group
  • Fill in the map template, starting with the What You See section. Initially use physical or virtual sticky notes to capture insights for each quadrant. As insights are added, identify emerging patterns and summarise accordingly
  • Reflect and analyse. Discuss key findings with the team and cross reference against the needs and pain points component of the value proposition framework

📖Authoritative source